Field Experience!

Week 5 Field Experience

During my field experience, I got the chance to get to know more about students and build that positive relationship that we read in our textbooks. I was able to step into a role that I never thought I would see myself in which is seeing myself from a teacher’s perspective. I knew I was going to be a student when it comes to being in my classes and teaching, but to actually feel it and realize like wow this is it is different for me. In class, I read through a few books, but it was hard for me to finish them due to the students being more rowdy than usual. It was challenging to grab their attention to the book, so when it came to my peer’s time to teach the students were not as cooperative as we anticipated. The students were engaged in the activity after reading the book and the students were working on their fine motor skills while talking to their classmates. I engaged with the students and assisted the students if they needed any help. Overall, the day was an okay day and I am looking forward to what next week holds!

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