Field Experiences 3 &4

Week 3: Third Day in the Classroom!

Hello, and welcome! This week was a nice and smooth day in the field. I was able to teach another subject in the classroom. I got the chance to conduct social studies, and the lesson topic was kindness. I read a book about kindness, and afterward, we created an activity about what we think kindness is and different ways to spread kindness, whether at home or school. This opportunity to teach the subject has enabled me to interact more with the students and find other strategies to approach different situations. Looking back on the first field day, I strongly see a difference in myself in the classroom. My MT has been beneficial and allowed me to continue teaching either Science/ Social Studies lessons until it is my time to teach fully. My goal for next week is that when I teach Social Studies, I will feel calmer and less anxious when reading the book. I’ve noticed that I miss a few words on the page because I’m nervous, so my goal is to slow down, breathe, and go with the flow. Some of my strengths are that I can communicate with the students without hesitation and that it is easy for me to build those relationships with most of them. What helped me achieve that was due to the interest inventory questions. That was the door to knowing the students more, not only their names but also their interests.

Till next time!!

Here are some images of what we did in class!

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